One-stop-shop for electrifying industrial heat production

Electrification is the future, and with Intergrid it is a no-brainer already today.

Partner throughout your electrification journey

Our mission is to make electrification as easy and economical as possible.

We can support you in planning, operating and optimizing all electric assets so that it is effortless and cost-efficient for you to make the switch.

Why electrify heat production now?

Optimized electric heat production comes with significant cost savings compared to burning

Optimized electric heat production comes with significant cost savings compared to burning

  1. 1
    Increasing cost of burning with rising fossil fuel prices, tightening regulations and constrained supply of biomass.
  2. 2
    Decreasing cost of electricity with technological development and fast construction of cheap wind and solar power.
  3. 3
    Increasing volatility in both supply and demand of electricity offers an additional revenue source for optimized flexible assets from participating in balancing the power grid.

On average, optimized electrification saves 20-50% of heating costs

Why does electric heat production make sense?

No need for fuel sourcing, logistics or storage.

Fully remote-controllable and automatized.

Electric heat production equipment is extremely reliable and low maintenance with little moving parts.

Electric heat production does not generate noise or smell nuisance that can be encountered in many burning-based methods.

Why partner with Intergrid?

Ensure maximized returns by utilizing Intergrid’s electricity market and grid balancing optimization.

We minimize the cost of heat by utilizing machine learning algorithms to develop the optimal operating plan and production schedule for the equipment.

Our software optimizes trading in the power and grid balancing markets and always takes into consideration your unique operational process needs, opportunities and constraints while doing so. We partner directly with TSO’s to bid your capacity to ancillary markets such as FCR, aFRR and mFRR on your behalf.

How is electric heat produced with Intergrid solution?

Renewable energy supply varies with the changing weather
Electricity is transmitted through the grid
Intergrid intelligently utilizes low electricity prices to produce heat and balances the grid at the same time
Affordable and emission-free heat is always available whenever you need it
How Is Heat Produced

Find out how much you could save with optimized electrification

Our free in-house simulation makes it easy for you to analyze the opportunity and choose the right equipment. On average, investing in electric heat production and a heat storage can reduce your energy costs by 20-50%.

Book a meeting
Valtteri Torikka

Simple process with us


Mapping your unique heat needs, introduction to electrification and Intergrid.


Utilizing real data, our free in-house simulation makes it easy for you to analyze the investment profitability.


Choosing the optimal hardware concept and supplier for your needs from our partner network.

Day-to-day operation

Profitable, hassle-free and emission-free operations with Intergrid’s optimization.